Spiced Hot Chocolate - Recipe for Spiced version of Chocolate

Winters in Mumbai are unpredictable just as the rest of the year, however the degrees do dip at night. After a long day at work i usually let music take me to slumber land this drink just accompanies it perfectly!!  


4 cups prepared hot cocoa with the milk of your choice. (I personally go with full fat) 
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
4 cinnamon sticks


  1. Prepare Hot chocolate by adding either cocoa powder or grating in 76% dark chocolate.
  2. To the mixture add in the nutmeg and chilli powder.
  3. Add in cinnamon sticks (whole)
  4. Serve in a large cup with the cinnamon stick as the garnish.
  5. Smile and sip away.

Recipe contributed by Varun Sundaram

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