Crispy Frisbee - Recipe for Fun Snack

Crispy Frisbee Recipe based on Oats and Whole Wheat Flour


1 cup Whole wheat flour
3 tbsp Oats
3 tbsp grated Cheese
2 tsp White Sesame seeds
2 tsp Oil
Salt to taste


  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and knead into a firm dough using enough water.
  2. Keep aside for 10 minutes under a wet muslin cloth.
  3. Knead again to softer the dough and divide into 7-8 balls.( In case making it over the weekend, involve your kids)
  4. Roll out the balls into thick circles like puri. (Give your kids a shape cutter and let them shape up their frisbee) 
  5. Heat a non-stick pan and cook each side over a low flame. Press it down with a cloth or wooden press on both the sides. You may apply a little oil on one side and shallow fry pressing all the while. Roast till they turn light brown and crisp.

Psst Psst: In case the dough sticks while rolling, apply little oil to the Chakla & Belan (Rolling board & Rolling pin). You can also store the same in an air tight container. This will also be a great accompaniment with the Dip recipe shared by Ritu Singh

Recipe and Images contributed by Sangeeta Iyer

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