Coconut Ladoo

Schools encourage students to get homemade sweets during any festivals, I really appreciate this, however being a working woman, time can be a constraint.

So here's a recipe for a quick coconut ladoo, you can also turn them into delicious bounty coconut, as school christmas party is just around the corner.

Coconut Ladoo


All you need for the Coconut Ladoo's are:

300 gms Milkmaid (Remove 2 tbsp just in case you decide to turn ladoo's into bounty),
200 gms Desiccated coconut (Easily available in the superstores, remove 2 tbsp to sprinkle over ),
1 tsp cardamom powder,
Cashews or Almonds (optional).


  1. In a non stick pan (preferable sauce pan) mix the coconut and milkmaid. 
  2. Once mixed well, cook on a medium flame till the sides start leaving the pan for 5 minutes. 
  3. Keep stirring the mix, to ensure it does not stick to the pan.
  4. Remove from flame, sprinkle the cardamom powder. 
  5. You can ask your kids to make the ladoo's and coat it with coconut powder

For Coconut Bounty:

You can make the chocolate sauce by melting some dairy milks (don't melt the chocolate bars directly, melt in a double boiler, what I do is put the chocolate bars in a small steel bowl, dip this bowl into a sauce pan containing water (ensure water level is lesser than the bowl height) and melt the chocolate on a medium flame. Dip the ladoos in the chocolate sauce and place it on a greased plate or use greased aluminium foil and place it in the freezer to set it.
Alternatively, you can make chocolate sauce using:
1 Tbsp  Cocoa powder
1 Tbsp  Milk powder
2 tsp      Marie biscuit (powdered)
2 tbsp    Milkmaid
Milk (as required to make a thick sauce)

Mix all ingredients well to form a thick sauce, dip the ladoos and place it on the greased plate or use greased aluminium foil. Place it in the freezer to set.

Now Mummy be khush and bachoo's be khush...

Recipe and Images contributed by Sangeeta Iyer.

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