Eggless Chocolate Cake Recipe

Eggless Chocolate Cake


For Cake 

125 gm Refined Flour (Maida) 
25 gm Coco Powder 
300 gm Condensed Milk 
tbsp Baking Powder 
tsp Baking Soda 
tbsp Unsalted Butter/Ghee 

For Soaking Syrup 
tbsp sugar 

For Ganache 
150 gms Raw Chocolate 
tbsp Fresh Cream 


  • Preheat oven at 1800C. Grease a cake pan and dust some flour to it. 
  • Take 3 tbsp sugar in a small bowl  and cover it with water (aprox half cup) and leave it aside to dissolve, just stir occasionally. No heating required.  
  • Scrape raw chocolate and melt it in a microwave or using a double boiler. Add cream to the melted chocolate and mix well till is blended well and refrigerate for 5-10 mins 
  • Sieve Maida, Cocoa Powder, Baking powder and Baking soda in a bowl 
  • Prepare the batter, by adding ghee and Condensed milk, whisk till the batter is smooth and no lumps are formed. Add milk in case batter is very thick and difficult to whisk 
  • Pour the batter in the greased & dusted pan. Pat the pan so that the batter settles evenly.  
  • Bake in the preheated oven for over 30 mins. You can ensure if baked, by pricking a tooth pick and it comes out dry.  
  • Let it cool for 15 mins before inverting the cake base on a flat board or plate 
  • Cut the cake into halves from middle, brush the sugar syrup on the top of cake layer. This is the base layer, moisten the layer well with the syrup. spread one thin layer of the ganache, place the other layer on top of it. Moisten this layer too with the syrup. Pour the remaining ganache over, spreading it evenly on top and sides of the cake. 
  • Place the cake in the refrigerator for few hours before serving 

Recipe and Image contributed by Nidhi Jain

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